Easy Yema Balls Recipe

Easy Yema Balls Recipe

Yema is a popular Filipino custardy candy that is usually taken as a dessert. In case you are wondering, it is derived from a Spanish word that means ‘yolk’, which is the key ingredient in making these delicious, soft, chewy delights. We often see them in local Filipino restaurants and carinderias or in pasalubong stores.

Due to its soft sticky nature, it is possible to shape it into many forms like cubes, pyramids, and of course the easiest: Yema Balls. Yes, we will learn how to make delicious Yema Balls in this recipe. Moreover, we will also focus on the quality and packaging, in case you want to earn extra money from these.

Also, children just love these, so if you have kids at home, try making these for them. Or better yet, teach them to make their own Yema! This recipe is so easy, kids will actually enjoy making them. Learn the steps here:


  • 1 can sweetened condensed milk (14 oz)
  • 6 egg yolks
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • 1/2 kg white sugar


  1. In a frying pan/ pot, mix the condensed milk egg yolks, and vanilla essence until well blended.
  2. Bring to a boil, then reduce to low heat to prevent the mixture from burning.
  3. Using a metal spatula, constantly stir the milk as if you are scraping the bottom of the pan. Prevent milk from burning and sticking to the pan/ pot.
  4. The mixture is ready when it forms a ball.
  5. When it cools, shape the mixture into balls, 2 to 3 cm in diameter.
  6. Place the yema balls on a wide plate with white sugar then roll to coat.
  7. Once coated, pick up each ball with a toothpick. Set aside to cool.
  8. Optional: Wrap the balls in cellophane and twist both ends to secure.

IMAGE: clumsychicdotcom.files.wordpress.com

Also try: Yema Candy