Special Hardinera Recipe

Hardinera or Jardinera is Quezon’s (particularly Lucban) own version of meatloaf. When talking about meatloaf, you may already think about Embutido, but this Hardinera is in a whole different level.

You may get to see and taste Hardinera only during special occasions like fiestas and festivals. This dish contains a lot of ingredients, not to mention the complexity of gathering all of them, and this is probably the reason why it’s not made to be an everyday food.

But don’t worry, you don’t have to wait for a big event and go to Lucban to have this on your plate. This recipe will help you know what you need and what you have to do in making your own Hardinera:


  • 3 tbsps oil
  • 4 tbsps butter
  • 1 pc white onion, chopped
  • 3 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 1 kg pork tenderloin, diced into cubes
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp pepper
  • 2 cups chicken broth
  • 1 cup tomato sauce
  • 1 cup sweet pickles, diced
  • 1 cup canned spiced ham
  • ¼ cup raisins
  • 1 cup pineapple tidbits, drained
  • 1 pc red bell pepper, diced
  • 1 small can liver spread
  • ½ – 1 cup Quezo de Bola, grated
  • 1 cup bread crumbs
  • 3 pcs eggs
  • Banana leaves, softened and cut according to the shape of llanera
For the Garnish:
  • 2-3 pcs hard-boiled eggs, sliced
  • 3-4 pcs pineapple slices
  • 1 small green bell pepper, cut into fine strips
  • 1 small red bell pepper, cut into fine strips


  1. Line the llanera with softened banana leaves. Brush the leaf with butter, set aside.
  2. In a pan, heat oil and sauté onions, let it caramelize and add the garlic.
  3. Add the pork and sauté until it changes color. Season with salt and pepper.
  4. Add tomato sauce, sauté for two minutes then add chicken broth, let it simmer until the pork is tender and the sauce has been reduced.
  5. Remove from heat and let it cool then drain excess sauce.
  6. Arrange the slices of hard-boiled eggs, pineapple slices, red and green bell pepper strips into the prepared llaneras.

IMAGE: lifegetsbetter.ph