Quick & Easy Tuna Carbonara Recipe

Tuna Carbonara Recipe

If you love Carbonara, I’m sure you’ll also love a healthier (and leaner) version of it: the Tuna Carbonara.

And this isn’t your regular Tuna Carbonara, this recipe is for those who barely have no time to prepare their food, let alone prepare a pasta dish. It is a quick and easy version.

I know you’d probably think that it will involve almost ready- to- eat ingredients but this recipe will make you enjoy your pasta, as if you are eating in a restaurant.

We added some ingredients and cooking techniques to make sure it won’t taste ordinary. In fact, it will actually taste good, you can even get away with it. Your date (if you’re cooking for a dinner date) may actually think you pulled of a genuine Italian dish! 😉

Try this recipe today and have a hearty dinner in a few minutes!


  • 1 pack (400 g) Del Monte spaghetti (you may use a different brand)
  • 2 pouches (200 g each) Del Monte carbonara sauce (you may use a different brand) or refer to this recipe
  • 4 tbsp butter or margarine
  • 2 cans (155 g each) tuna chunks in oil (drained, reserve oil)
  • ⅓ tbsp grated cheddar cheese
  • ⅔ cup canned sliced mushroom
  • 4 tsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp grated lemon rind (optional)


  1. Sauté mushrooms in butter or margarine for 3 minutes (if using tuna in oil, include the reserved oil in sautéing).
  2. Add tuna and lemon juice then cook for another 2 minutes.
  3. Add the carbonara sauce and pasta broth.
  4. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Cover and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.
  6. Add grated cheese and lemon rind.
  7. Pour over cooked spaghetti.
  8. Top with extra cheese if desired.

IMAGE: orsimages.unileversolutions.com